What is the Heart?

Cave of the Heart

Trika Shaivism gives primacy to sadhanas of the heart space. Why is this? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi

Playfulness, Stagnation, and Fear

Woman on a Swing

It’s hard to be playful! What’s up with that? Shambhavi offers some practical instructions for getting your play on. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi

Forget Yourself and Relax

Rolling Hills and Sky

Shambhavi talks about the pointing out instruction to “forget who you are.” A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi

Perfection, Precision, and Fun

Creating Yantras with Precision

Shambhavi talks about perfectionism, ordinary precision, and enlightened precision. A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi

Radical Respect

Water MIrroring Sky

Does the project of earning respect make sense in light of the View of Trika Shaivism? What is respect, for reals? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi

Is My Teacher Perfect?

Shambhavi sitting on a couch eating popcorn

What does perfection mean in the context of Hinduism and Dzogchen? Is it dangerous to consider our teachers to be perfect as some traditions advise? A podcast from Satsang with Shambhavi