teachers and students

Guru Tattva is the natural, inexorable mechanism or process by which manifest life moves from a relative state of ignorance of Self to total awareness or Self Realization. By Shambhavi Sarasvati
This was the moment when I realized that people are free to do whatever the fuck they want. There’s no script. You can have two lovers at once! You can train fleas to do trapeze! You can live in an underground bunker and eat canned beans! The playing field is wide open. Wide. Open.
Have you heard of the phenomenon of the "Guru's hint?" The most obvious "hint" is when your teacher says to you: "I suggest you do this," or "You may want to do that." Your teacher is inviting you to a deeper level of surrender. By Shambhavi Sarasvati
Learn how paying money for spiritual teachings can be part of your practice. The amrita of teachings is met with reciprocal amrita offered by the student. This is Self giving to Self: an expression of primordial generosity. No matter how rich or poor we are, by giving money, other gifts, or service, we can participate.

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