Friendship and Appreciation

Friends Smiley

Ananda is the deep appreciation of this alive, aware reality for its own creations, for the manifest reflections of the nature of the Self. We also experience ananda in a smaller way that echoes the experience of enlightenment. A video from Satsang with Shambhavi

Nonduality, Duality, and Wisdom

Nandi Statue Following Goodness

Shambhavi Sarsavati talks about the concepts of bheda (duality), bhedabheda (dual-nondual), and abheda (nonduality) both from the perspective of individuals in our ordinary condition and from the perspective of the absolute. What is the fate of these concepts once we have more realization? A video from Satsang with Shambhavi

Compassion and Greed

fire monkey

Shambhavi Sarasvati answers a question from a student: Are humans essentially good or are we irrevocably damaged? A video from Satsang with Shambhavi