“The direct realization traditions, such as Trika Shaivism and Dzogchen, offer us practical tools to discover utter naturalness, lightness of being, unconditional kindness, and freedom of expression. ~Shambhavi Sarasvati”
Shambhavi is the spiritual director of Jaya Kula. Her principle training is in the View and practices of Trika Shaivism (a.k.a. Kashmir Shaivism or Shaiva Tantra) and the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet. She has also studied meditation with teachers in the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions. Her root Guru is Anandamayi Ma. Read more about Shambhavi’s life and relationships with her teachers here.
Shambhavi emphasizes direct encounters with the wisdom of the heart through the more explicitly devotional teachings and practices of Trika Shaivism and Dzogchen. She is also known for making complex teachings about the nature of the self and reality understandable, practical, and always relatable to everyday experience. Her teachings are grounded in her more than thirty-five years of daily personal practice and personal retreats.
In addition to offering teachings in spiritual practice and view, Shambhavi conducts festival day pujas, yajñas, and also weddings and other rites. She is a trained jyotishi and diviner.
At one time, Shambhavi taught at Northwestern University. She left academia in 2004 in order to devote herself to practice, writing and teaching in her spiritual tradition.
Shambhavi is happy to offer satsang and kirtan in your home, yoga studio, or other venue. To request a teaching in your area, contact us below.
Kindred 108 is where Shambhavi shares her books, articles, poems, recipes, music, and all the creative things.
Shambhavi is the author of The Reality Sutras: Seeking the Heart of Trika Shaivism (2018), Nine Poisons, Nine Medicines, Nine Fruits (2017), The Play of Awakening: Adventures in Direct Realization Tantra (2012), Pilgrims to Opennness: Direct Realization Tantra in Everyday Life (2009), Returning (2015), and No Retreat: Poems on the Way to Waking Up (2016). In addition, she published an academic book, Avatar Bodies: a Tantra for Posthumanism. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Mills College and a Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University.
Satsang with Shambhavi is a weekly dharma talk about spirituality, love, death, devotion and waking up while living in a messy world. Subscribe to the audio podcast on these services or wherever podcasts are found.