“To live in the world is to be on the way to Self-realization —Anandamayi Ma”
Anandamayi Ma was a 20th-century avatar: a direct emanation of wisdom, born totally awake. By her own testimony, Ma manifested in response to the prayers of sentient beings for a female incarnation of the divine.
While accounts of her extraordinary lila, or enlightened activities, are legion, she lived her life as a householder in unusually close contact with her devotees, advising them about all aspects of life, laughing with them, comforting them, singing and simply allowing all those who came to find refuge in her presence. Her guiding presence is still available to anyone who wishes to seek it out.
Although Ma had little formal education, she directly embodied enlightened wisdom to such a degree, she was able to convey the subtlest teachings to tens of thousands of followers from all walks of life. Her teachings are precise, playful, gutsy, down-to-earth, inspiring and deeply moving. Jaya Ma!
Anandamayi Ma gave oral teachings in response to the questions of an enormous number of people from all walks and stations of life. She wrote no books or articles. Her satsangs remain one of the primary ways that we can receive Her teachings today. Atmananda, Ma’s English-language translator, worked closely with Brahmachari Kamal Bhattacharjee, a Pandit who devoted his life to recording Ma’s satsangs in Bengali with meticulous concern for accuracy. Together, they produced the most definitive record of Her words.
Words Of Sri Anandamayi Ma: Translated by Atmananda. A principal book of Mataji’s in-depth discourses in English. Free.
The Essential Sri Anandamayi Ma: Includes a good biography by a devotee, a selection of discourses from Words of Sri Anandamayi Ma (available in full above), and a wealth of photographs. Beautifully produced and good for starters if you keep in mind that all efforts to summarize Ma’s teachings pale in comparison to her own words.
Matri Vani (Mother’s Words) Volume I: A collection of short excerpts from Anandamayi Ma’s dictated letters to some of Her devotees. Translated by Atmananda. Free.
Matri Vani Volume II: A second collection of excerpts from letters and conversations. Translated by Atmananda. Free.
Ma’s words on the website of the Anandamayi Ma Sangha in India: a collection of her sayings and other teachings.
Mother Reveals Herself: Words of Ma recorded during intimate conversations with one of her primary disciples, Bhaiji or Jyotish Chandra Roy. Contains Ma’s own account of the extraordinary circumstances of her birth.
Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee, Volume 8: by Gurupriya Devi. Ma’s great disciple and chronicler shares Ma’s day-to-day life, travels, and teachings. Previous volumes can be found here.
Darshan means to see. By seeing Guru and being seen by Her, we can directly see more of Reality and thereby progress in our spiritual unfoldment. This can happen to some extent even through the medium of a picture of Guru.
During her lifetime, Ma instructed that any images of her remain forever free. Jaya Kula honors that instruction by providing free, hi-resolution photos of Ma on our website and at teachings. You may download and print out these images for your altar, home or business. Click on a thumbnail photo to see and download the full image.
For hundreds more photos of Anandamayi Ma, visit the Photo Gallery and the Photo Collection at the Anandamayi sangha resource website. A new collection of photos has been put up at the official India sangha website.
A Goddess Among Us: A readable and very inexpensive biography by Acharya Mangalananda.
The Life and Teachings of Sri Ma Anandamayi by Bithika Mukerji: One of the best biographies of Ma by a disciple who grew up in her presence and later became an academic.
The Life and Teachings of Sri Anandamayi Ma by Alexander Lipski: The full version of the shorter biography offered in The Essential Anandamayi Ma.
Ananadamayi: Her Life and Wisdom by Richard Lannoy: An excellent biography, wonderful excerpts of Ma’s words translated by Atmananda, and some of the most spectacular photographs ever taken of Ma. This is a great book for those who are new to Ma and also for those who want a book to treasure for life. A text only version is available online, and cheaper copies may be available from India.
Mother of Bliss by Lisa Lassell Hallstrom: A readable, scholarly biography with a feminist perspective.
Many of Ma’s devotees have written memoirs of their lives with Her. In addition, Ma encouraged some to keep a spiritual diary. These writings present a fascinating portrait of what it means, on a very personal, day-to-day level, to be a disciple of a great Guru.
Death Must Die by Atmananda and Ram Alexander: A riveting, blow-by-blow diary of a Western woman disciple’s life with Anandamayi Ma. Very expensive new. Buy it used! Note: You can download a shorter version of this diary published under the title As The Flower Sheds its Fragrance.
My Days with Sri Ma Anandamayi by Bithika Mukerji: A wonderful book about day-to-day life with Ma by a writer whose entire family were devotees.
Encountering Bliss: My Journey Through India with Anandamayi by Melita Maschmann: Another classic account of a Western disciple’s encounter with Ma.
Mother as Revealed to Me by Bhaiji: Anandamayi Ma’s principal disciple writes movingly of his life with his Guru. Free.
Listening to Anandamayi Ma singing kirtan can be a revelation, especially for those who might be wondering just what the name of God is all about. Anandamayi Ma sings “Ma Durga” kirtan:
The Multimedia Page at Anandamayi.org: Kirtan sung by several adept devotees and by Ma herself. The final section contains short video clips of Ma.
The Multimedia Page at Shree Shree Anandamayee Ma Sangha: Photos, video and audio.
Chant the 108 Names of Anandamayi Ma with Shambhavi Sarasvati and Jaya Kula: Download PDF of 108 Names of Anandamayi Ma and sing along! 108 Names of Anandamayi Ma (PDF).
Chant Jai Hridaya Vasini: Jaya Kula’s kirtan ensemble, Archana, sings a beautiful new arrangement of a selection of the names of Anandamayi Ma. These names were chosen by Jyotish Chandra Roy, affectionately known as Bhaiji, one of Ma’s principle disciples. The words in transliterated Sanskrit and English are included in the PDF. Jai Hridaya Vāsini (PDF)
We are lucky to have many home movies and two documentaries featuring Anandamayi Ma. As is the case with all Realized beings, simply watching Her speak, move and interact is a teaching and a transmission.
A newly edited treasure trove of movies of Anandamayi Ma taken in the 1970s-1981.
Ascetics who knew Ma tell stories about her. Watch the excerpts on Youtube, then order the whole CD by writing to omma@anandamayi.org.
30 minute documentary video about Anandamayi Ma with some rare video footage of her. Unfortunately, the filmmaker got carried away with some “special” effects, but still worth watching.
ARTICLE: Anandamayi Ma: I am not an Alien
ARTICLE: How I met Anandamayi Ma
ARTICLE: Anandamayi Ma’s Birthday