In ancient times, students offered grain, or gold, or even a cow in exchange for teachings. Each gave according to their means with the understanding that by doing so, they were both supporting the teacher and making it possible for others to receive teachings.
Many of Jaya Kula’s offerings, including satsangs and kirtans, are “Give What You Can.” But what does this mean?
Give What You Can is an invitation to participate in the traditional ritual of reciprocity between you and the teachings, the community, and the teacher.
Give What You Can means that you are free to give any amount. You can give in person at Give What You Can teachings or donate using the button at the bottom of any page of our website.
Give What You Can:
is a way to get in touch with natural generosity. Any amount you give is of benefit;
allows Jaya Kula to offer satsang in a warm, welcoming, all-inclusive space that hosts the teacher and community;
supports our capacity to host livestream satsangs;
helps pay for the production and distribution of podcasts that are accessed by tens of thousands of people all over the world; and
is a traditional expression of reciprocity that reflects the call and response nature of Reality.
Shambhavi came to understand more about the culture of Give What You Can when she attended a retreat in Varanasi, India in 2006. Here’s what she has to say about her experience.
Mostly Indian people were attending the retreat in a very old section of Banaras. There was no advertised fee. But when the retreat concluded, someone set up a wooden table with a ledger, and we all got in line to make a donation of our choosing.
Two young Indian women stood in front of me. Their heads touched as they leaned in to count the few rupees that they had between them.
Rather than being embarrassed or depressed or resentful, they were joyful. In fact, they were bursting with pride and happiness at being able to give even a small amount of money.
In that moment, I understood the power of recognizing that you always have something to give, regardless of your circumstances. I understood that giving is a source of nourishment and joy. Defining yourself as unable to give or giving nothing because you are ashamed of how “little” you can offer are great impoverishments.
These women have ever since been a beacon for me in my own life and as the spiritual director of Jaya Kula.
Jaya Kula is a self-supporting, community-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Our community makes it all happen: from hosting the teachings to producing and posting podcasts; from livestreaming, to sending Shambhavi to your neck of the woods, to keeping her fed and housed at home.
With your support, our teacher can continue to give the teachings and the community can continue to receive teachings, practice together, and be of more benefit to our world.